Here you find an incomplete list of available API calls and what they are used for. A full list can be found here: WSDL documentation
- getProducts Used to retrieve multiple products
- createProduct Creates a product
- updateProduct Updates a product
- getArticleGroups Gets the list of articlegroups
- saveArticleGroups Update the articlegroups
- getPriceGroupList Gets the list of pricegroups
- getSalesPriceList Gets the list of salesprices
- getEmployees Used to retrieve multiple employees
- getEmployee Used to get an employee
- findEmployee Used to find an employee
- createEmployee Creates a new employee
- updateEmployee Updates a existing employee
- getActiveEmployeeList
- getShifts Retrieve shifts (working hours)
- getRelations Used to retrieve multiple relations
- getRelation Used to retrieve a relation
- findRelation Used to find a relation
- createRelation Create a relation
- updateRelation Updates a relation
- adjustPoints Adjust points of a relation
- getAvailableTerminalList Used to retrieve a list of available terminals
- registerTerminal Registering as a terminal
- getTableOrder Getting a table order
- findTableOrder Used to find a table order
- saveTableOrderV2 Used for saving and updating a table order
- payTableOrderV2 Paying a table order
- prepayTableOrderV2 Add payment to a table (This keeps the table open)
- cancelTableOrder Used for canceling a table order
- releaseTable
- moveTableOrderV2
- requestTableOrderCourse
- getMaxTableNumber
- getOrders Retrieve orders
- getOrder Getting an existing order by orderId
- createOrder Creating a new order
- findOrder Getting an existing order by extOrderId
- updateOrder Updating an existing order
- cancelOrder Cancelling an order
- payOrder Paying an order
- deliverOrder Delivering an order
- getDeliveryMethods Get a list of available delivery methods
- getOrderCategories Get a list of available order categories
- queueBranchOrder
- getOrderChanges
- getInvoices Used to retrieve multiple invoices
- getInvoice Used to retrieve a invoice
- findInvoice Used to find a relation
- saveInvoice Used for saving and updating an invoice
- payInvoice Used to send a payment to the invoice
- cancelInvoice Used to cancel a invoice
- getPurchaseDeliveries Used to retrieve a list of purchase deliveries
- savePurchaseDelivery Used for saving and updating a purchase deliveries
- getPurchaseOrders Used to retrieve a list of purchase orders
- savePurchaseOrder Used for saving and updating a purchase orders
- getStock
- getStockHistoryV2
- updateStock
- setStock
Financial data
- getFinancialJournal
- getFinancialJournalByCashCount
- getReceipts
- getReceiptsByCashCountDetailSource
- getReceiptsByOrder
- getCashCountList
- getAvailablePaymentMethods Gets a list of the available payment methods for a workstation
- getPaymentMethodsV2 Gets a list of all payment methods
- sendMessage Used to send a message to a POS terminal
- printReceipt
- printTableReceipt
- getTurnoverGroups Gets a list of turnovergroups
- updateTurnoverGroups Update a turnovergroup
- getApiVersion Gets version information of the API and its connected database
- getBranches Gets a list of branches
- getAllergens Gets a list of possible allergens
- getCurrentSyncMarkers Gets the current syncmarkers
- getVatGroupList Gets the vat groups
- getGiftcard – Can be used to get de details of a specific giftcard
- getGiftcards – Can be used to get a list of multiple giftcards
- getGiftcardHistory – Can be used to get de history of a specific giftcard
- getGiftcardTypes – Can be used to get a list of the giftcard types
- checkGiftcardPayment– Can be used to verify a giftcard payment
- createGiftcard – Allows the creation of a new giftcard
- getRelationGiftcards – Get a list of the giftcards issued to the requested relation
- registerGiftcardPayment – Can be used to preform a external giftcard payment
- reloadGiftcard – Can be used to add funds to an existing giftcard
- restituteGiftcards – Can be used to restitute the remaining balance
A full list can be found here: WSDL documentation