
Explanation of the event

The kitchenStartCourse event occurs whenever a kitchen employee starts preparation of a specific course in an order.

Part of the Kitchen Food Preparation flow

The kitchenStartCourse event is step one in a three-step flow that involves the following events:
(1) kitchenStartCourse, (2) kitchenCompleteCourse and (3) kitchenServeCourse.

kitchenStartCourse Preparation of a new course was started


Property Type Explanation
cafeteriaOrder.orderId uuid The table order’s UUID.
cafeteriaOrder.year uuid The table order’s year.
cafeteriaOrder.number uuid The table order’s number.
cafeteriaOrder.ticketNumber uuid This is usually the last two digits of the order’s number.
tableOrder.orderId uuid The table order’s UUID.
tableOrder.year uuid The table order’s year.
tableOrder.number uuid The table order’s number.
table.number bigint (optional) The table number of the order.
table.subNumber bigint (optional) The table sub number of the order.
course.courseNumber int The course’s number. string The course’s full name.
course.abbreviation string The course’s abbreviation.
course.sequenceNumber string The course’s ordering in the full list of courses.