
Make sure you familiarize yourself with the following important concepts of our API:
Prices and Quantities, Products and Articles, Sync Markers
After taking the time to understand these concepts, you will much better understand the basics of our API.


Using these API functions, you will be able to request the invoices based on certain search criteria you set in the request.


getInvoice Retrieving invoice

findInvoice Finding invoice

getInvoices Retrieving invoices

When you want to synchronize invoices from Mplus to another application, it is smart to make use of Sync Markers.

saveInvoice Creating new invoice

saveInvoice Update existing invoice

When you update an exising invoice, you first need to retrieve the current invoice from the API, so you can fill the versionNumber and changeCounter parameters with the proper values. Doing this “proves” to the API that you are aware of the most recent version of the invoice, and are knowingly adding or omitting invoice lines.

payInvoice Pay an invoice