Table Orders

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Prices and Quantities, Products and Articles, Sync Markers
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Creating table orders is a function used mostly by handheld devices to place an order that is attached to a specific table number in the POS system. Before you can use the function, you need to register as a valid ordering terminal through another function. This tutorial explains how to do all this.

Notice: Table orders are different from regular orders. Make sure you implement the correct one for your use case.


getAvailableTerminalList Retrieving a list of available terminals

You need to register your application as a terminal before you can place table orders. The following function allows you to retrieve a list of the available terminals in the POS system.

Note: When the customer is also using their own handheld devices, you need to make sure you are not using a terminal used by their handheld devices, because it will interfere with their operation. There needs to be a dedicated terminal that is solely used by the application you are building. To add a new terminal to the list of available terminals, please contact the POS system software supplier of your customer.

registerTerminal Registering as a terminal

After you have selected a terminal out of the $available_terminals, you can use it to register as a terminal with the POS system.

Note: When the customer is also using their own handheld devices, you need to make sure you are not using a terminal used by their handheld devices, because it will interfere with their operation. There needs to be a dedicated terminal that is solely used by the application you are building. To add a new terminal to the list of available terminals, please contact the POS system software supplier of your customer.

saveTableOrder Saving a table order

Only after you have successfully registered with the POS system as a terminal, you can create and update table orders.

getTableOrder Getting a table order

Use this function to get the current status of the requested table order.

saveTableOrder Updating a table order

Use this function to update an existing table order. Use getTableOrder first to get the current values of versionNumber and changeCounter. Use them in your call, to let the API know that you are working with the latest version of the table order.

payTableOrder Paying a table order

Use this function to update an existing table order. Use getTableOrder first to get the current values of versionNumber and changeCounter. Use them in your call, to let the API know that you are working with the latest version of the table order.