Error code | Cause of error |
NO_SIGNATURE | The required signature in header X-Mplus-Signature is not present. |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | The signature in header
X-Mplus-Signature is invalid. Check your implementation of HMAC |
INVALID_JSON | The JSON in the body is invalid JSON. |
INVALID_DATA | The body is valid JSON, but the data in it is not valid. E.g. putting a string into a numeric field. |
NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | The header X-Mplus-Subscription-Id is not present. |
INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | The subscription ID in header X-Mplus-Subscription-Id is invalid. |
NO_CONTENT_TYPE | The header Content-Type is not present. |
INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE | The content type in header Content-Type is not one of the supported content |
NO_EVENT_DETAILS | An expected object containing event details was not included with the request. E.g. the scanCode event call did not contain the scanCode object. |
NO_SCANNED_CODE | The scanCode object did not contain a scannedCode. |
LINE_ALREADY_HAS_DISCOUNT | The line you are trying to apply a discount to already has a discount. |
INVALID_LINE_ID | You are trying to change or delete a line that does not exist in the session. |
LINE_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS | The line you are trying to added has an ID that already exists in the session. |
INVALID_RELATION_NUMBER | The relation number you are trying to select does not exist in the administration. |
INVALID_ARTICLE | The article you are trying to select does not exist in the administration. |
INVALID_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE | The discount percentage you are trying to apply is not valid. |
INVALID_RECEIPT_FOOTER_CODE | The code you are trying to add to the receipt footer is not valid. E.g. there are incompatible characters for the selected code type. |
INVALID_RECEIPT_FOOTER_CODE_TYPE | The type of the code you are trying to add to the receipt footer is not valid. The currently supported types are code128 (default) and qrcode. |
LINE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED | The change you are trying to perform through lineChanges is not allowed in the current event or session. |
LINE_ADDITION_NOT_ALLOWED | The addition you are trying to perform through lineAdditions is not allowed in the current event or session. |
LINE_DELETION_NOT_ALLOWED | The deletion you are trying to perform through lineDeletions is not allowed in the current event or session. |
INVALID_EXTERNAL_PAYMENT_ID | The externalPaymentId you are returning does not match what the POS sent to your endpoint. |
EXTERNAL_PAYMENT_ID_ALREADY_USED | The externalPaymentId being used has already been used in a previous external payment. |
MISSING_REQUIRED_BODY | The response is missing a body, but this webhook always requires a body. |
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD | The response is missing a specific field, but this webhook always requires this field in the body. |
FINAL_AMOUNT_ADJUSTMENT_NOT_ALLOWED | You are trying to adjust the final amount paid through the external payment, but this is not allowed based on the current settings. |
LOWER_FINAL_AMOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED | You are trying to lower the final amount paid through the external payment, but this is not allowed based on the current settings. |
HIGHER_FINAL_AMOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED | You are trying to raise the final amount paid through the external payment, but this is not allowed based on the current settings. |
HTTP_PARSING_ERROR | A parsing error occurred when parsing the body. |
WEBHOOK_CANCELLED_BY_USER | The webhook was manually cancelled from the user interface by the user. |
RESPONSE_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE | The response you are giving is not allowed in the current event or session. |
UNEXPECTED_FIELD | The response body contains an unexpected field. |
WEBHOOK_TIMED_OUT | The webhook endpoint timed out. |
ACTIVE_SESSION_CHANGED | The active session in the pos doesn’t match the sessionId in de request/response. |